Upper eyelid surgery is done to correct hooding of the upper eyelids caused by excess upper eyelid skin.
Hooding of the upper eyelids can be caused by excess upper eyelid skin or by drooping of the eyebrows, or by a combination of both of these problems.
Dr. Bandeian will evaluate you and make recommendations about the best treatment for your upper eyelid hooding.
The total cost of upper eyelid surgery at Bristol Plastic Surgery Center is $3500.
Lower eyelid surgery is done to correct puffiness and excess lower eyelid skin.
Lower eyelid surgery does not prevent crinkling of the lower eyelid skin when you smile. Dysport is the preferred way to prevent crinkling when you smile.
Eyelid surgery is done with local anesthesia and sedation by vein.
The total cost of lower eyelid surgery at Bristol Plastic Surgery Center is $3500.
Each operation takes about 1-2 hours.
The stitches are usually removed at around 5 days.